Dual-language, play-based preschool
Lenguaje Dual con un curriculum basado en juegos

About Us
La Escuelita Weekday School is a half-day, play-based preschool for children ages 1-5. Our skilled, loving teachers utilize Creative Curriculum, in English and Spanish, using a dual-language approach. The teachers in each class work as a team with one native English speaker, and one native Spanish speaker.
Parents are the child’s first teachers and their support is a necessary component in their child’s education. We provide resources and opportunities for parents to develop parenting skills, volunteer, and establish bonds with one another.
Morning Classes: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Lunch Bunch (optional): 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Afternoon Classes: 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. (3s & 4s only)
Our Vision
To prepare children to thrive in a diverse community and varied education systems, develop necessary social skills, and nurture life skills so they are successful in school and beyond.

Our Mission
By providing a dual language, play-based, classroom experience, we endeavor to instill an abiding sense of respect for all children, their unique cultures and their individual development. By providing this nurturing, age-appropriate environment, we will help lay the foundations for academic and social success that our children will continue to build upon in kindergarten and throughout school. By offering parent support and parental education opportunities, we hope to get the family in touch with the resources they need to recognize, plan for, and then accomplish their long-term goals.